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Bloggen lades upp den 4 juni 2011 av Annika Björk.

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Jag skriver mycket om innebörden av rättfärdighet, synd, nåd, omvändelse, frälsning, etc. Jag vill visa att vi inte syndar för att vi är syndare, utan vi är syndare när vi väljer att synda, vilket vi inte måste. Alla har dock syndat och är i behov av en frälsare. Jag varnar ofta för reformerta läror som resulterar i att det är Gud som väljer ut vem han vill ska bli frälst. Jag har även information om skapelsetro/kreationism, konspirationsteorier/false flag händelser samlade på min youtubekanal som också nås via bloggen.

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Dr. Makis vs some of Alberta’s corrupt politicians

Postad torsdagen den 27 juni 2024 11:29
Dr. William Makis is a brave and persecuted Canadian Doctor (Oncologist) who needs our prayers in his fight against darkness, namely corrupt politicians and college directors who directly or indirectly defend pedophiles and who think it is a good idea to  reinstate them as doctors despite their charges. At the same time they are going […]

Torben Søndergaard, Danish pastor still in American jail for no reason

Postad fredagen den 19 maj 2023 11:46
Please pray for Torben Søndergaard, the Danish pastor who is still in American jail for no good reason. He fled to the US due to being harassed by Danish authorities and for accumulating opponents even among Christians who have started false rumors about him. Had Torben been lukewarm this of course would not have happened, […]

Works-based salvation – what is that?

Postad söndagen den 2 januari 2022 17:10
“Salvation by works” – good or bad? Since you will not find the term “works-based salvation” in the Bible, the phrase must be explained by the one who have chosen to use it. If it means something along the lines of “a requirement to work/show good fruit in order to be saved”, you will find that this in fact […]

The Bible, does James contradict Paul about faith and works?

Postad tisdagen den 24 augusti 2021 12:44
Paul and James preach the same gospel It is not uncommon to be confused about James views about faith and works when compared with Paul’s views, and it might be particularly hard to get the grip about this for the person who is brought up to believe that there is no greater sin than the […]

Grant Amato who murdered his family over an internet dispute

Postad tisdagen den 29 september 2020 17:29
Being totally obsessed with someone on the Internet … It is hard to phantom that the story about Grant Amato is true, but it sadly is. Grant Amato, Florida, is serving life in prison ever since 2019 for murdering his family over his relationship with a Bulgarian web cam girl. He stole approx. USD 200.000 […]

Sin is what separates you from God, and not BIRTH

Postad måndagen den 21 september 2020 18:57
The sinful nature deriving from Gnosticism Sin is what separates us from God and that is because of the choice on our part to break his law. Being conceived or born are certainly not offensive to God so such things could not possibly be a cause for separation from God. Children are not born in […]

The great awakening – film som får oss att vakna

Postad måndagen den 21 september 2020 16:45
En träffande film om saker som sker i kulisserna och som eliten inte vill att du ska se Film in English down below! I tider som dessa när Google/Youtube/Twitter och andra internetplattformar censurerar värre än någonsin så går det fortfarande att hitta guldkorn som är förbjudna i MSM (Gammelmedia) trots att de kommer för nära […]

Jesus Christ – lower or better than the angels? Hebr. 2:7

Postad fredagen den 17 juli 2020 11:40
Thou madest him A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS (Hebr. 2:7) Jesus was temporarily (and in one aspect) made a little lower than the angels when he by free will was made in the likeness of a human beings. Jesus made himself in the form of a servant for our sake! Rom. 8:3 For what the law […]

Skada i form av knöl pga skor från Adidas

Postad måndagen den 15 juni 2020 12:55
Hallux Valgus eller stortåknölar Hallux Valgus innebär en snedställd stortå oftast pga en längre tids användande av trånga skor. Det är alltså en förvärvad skada men en viss ärftlighet kan också ligga till grund. Denna åkomma är väldigt mycket vanligare hos kvinnor än hos män. Smärta är vanligt förekommande och är därför oc [...]

I huvudet på en mördare som försöker rättfärdiga sitt brott?

Postad söndagen den 24 maj 2020 14:12
En mördare som kommit på bättre tankar? Brian Winchester och Denise Williams från Florida hade en flera år lång och hemlig kärleksaffär trots att de båda var gifta på var sitt håll. De beslöt sig för att mörda Denises framgångsrika make, och Brians bästa vän, efter att de sett till att Mike Williams köpt på […]

About Trump’s claim that Sweden was wrong for not having a Corona lock-down

Postad lördagen den 2 maj 2020 19:33
Sweden compared to neighboring countries Below are some reasons why I personally believe Sweden has had a much higher number of deaths (at least for a couple of weeks in April) compared to the other neighboring countries.   Sweden has the most amount of inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, 10 million and rising (about 2 […]

Jesus came to save that which was LOST – Luke 19:10

Postad tisdagen den 28 april 2020 17:17
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost – Luke 19:10 Who are the lost? That would be everyone. Still, even though Jesus died for the world and came to save the world (that which is lost), it does not mean that he promises to save everyone […]

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