Information om Confessions of a rosengard pastor
Bloggen lades upp den 31 oktober 2009 av Dan Håland.
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Jag är gripen av Jesus och vill leva för honom. Jag leder en församling i Malmö och jag älskar min familj, min kyrka och min stad och allt annat som hör till livet. Min blog är en plats där jag delar med mig av tankar, drömmar, resurser, bibelundervisning och mitt liv.

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Senaste inläggen från bloggen
Postad torsdagen den 28 juli 2011 02:00
moving… new posts ahead…
Prosperity gospel
Postad måndagen den 14 december 2009 22:04
I don't know what you think about the so called prosperity gospel. It seems to exist in so many shapes all from people who say that if you only do certain things God will prosper you and give you health, wealth and security to those who hold the same theological position but seem to say that God will give you all of these things just because he lov [...]
Reformed theology in Scandinavia – reflections part 3
Postad torsdagen den 3 december 2009 17:28
Today I will continue my reflections on Reformed theology in Scandinavia and the theological stream that I will reflect on today is what I call Reformed charismatics. It's a quite broad group, but what holds it together is the combined emphasis on solid biblical teaching together with a charismatic church life. Some people that would fit into this [...]
An interview with Michael Eaton
Postad tisdagen den 1 december 2009 23:24
My next blogpost on reflections on Reformed theology in Scandinavia will be a few more days, but meanwhile I'd like to share this interview with Michael Eaton. He is a reformed theologian originally from Westminster Chapel in London, but is now since many years back leading a church in Kenya that has seen many churches being planted.
My daughter is now walking
Postad söndagen den 29 november 2009 18:00
This morning when we were about to eat breakfast Esther beat her previous walking record of 11 steps. I had her in my arms when I put her down and she just started walking. During all day she has been taking steps trying this new thing of walking about. About three weeks ago I wrote […]
Reformed theology in Scandinavia – reflections part 2
Postad fredagen den 27 november 2009 17:29
In this blogpost I'd like to reflect on yet another theological stream that I can see in Scandinavia, often referred to as grace teaching. I have seen a number of examples especially in Norway and Sweden, and some of the influences would be for example Joseph Prince from Singapore and Åge Åleskär from Norway.
one of my blogposts are now posted at lastword
Postad måndagen den 23 november 2009 22:12
I got the note today that one of my blogposts is now posted at Lastword Publications. Please check it out, and you'll find some articles by people who has much more to say than me there as well, so it'll be worth a look.
If you have never heard of the book A12 to heaven I would like to take the opportunity at hand to recommend it to you.
A very p [...]
Reformed theology in Scandinavia – reflections part 1
Postad lördagen den 21 november 2009 11:59
I announced in an earlier blogpost that I would spend some time to share some reflections I have on Reformed theology or grace theology that is entering into Scandinavia. As far as I can see it there are three streams that I would like to reflect on. We have reformed charismatic movements, we have the so-called grace-preaching and then I can see an [...]
strange sleeping patterns
Postad onsdagen den 18 november 2009 21:38
I haven't added any blogposts for a few days now partly because I've needed to regain my sleeping patterns. The whole of the last week including the weekend meant a lot of work for me plus that I've been dragging around with a general tiredness in my body. It's been like an in between mode between getting a flue or not and combined with hard work t [...]
A long day and a great ice hockey experience
Postad söndagen den 15 november 2009 19:20
Today I've had a long day. We have some interesting possibilites ahead as a church and we gathered the church earlier today to talk through some things concerning this. After church I went together with Natanael, my son, and some friends to the Malmö Arena to watch an ice hockey game.
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