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Bloggen lades upp den 10 januari 2011.

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Kristen läkare som mest bloggar om evolutionsteoin och varför vi inte behöver tro på den.

Namn: Ephron
Inriktning: Apologetik
Taggar: evolution   medicin   vetenskap   Darwin  
Tracker visningar: 3955
Klick ut: 110
Klick in: 618

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Water runmarks in Uzbekistan

Postad lördagen den 21 juni 2014 22:39
At the end of Noah's flood the water returned to the ocean and left symmetrical streamlines all over the world. Uzbekistan is a great example.In the upper right corner you can see a striking pattern located in Kazakhstan. Below is a closeup.

End moraine or water streamline?

Postad måndagen den 14 april 2014 13:51
The transverse ridges in the plains between the two great lakes of Sweden have been interpreted as end moraines caused by the last ice age, but I have another hypothesis. When the baltic sea was a lake the water drained this way and left the ridges as streamlined marks. What do you think?

Simulera avrinning

Postad fredagen den 11 april 2014 10:55

Meandering rivers formed at the end of the flood

Postad tisdagen den 29 oktober 2013 16:15
Meandering rivers make beautiful patterns i the landscape all over the world. In school I learned that they form slowly but I had great difficulties understanding how. Recently I have understood that geomorphologists doesn't understand this either. Simulations doesn't form these symmetrical snake-patterns. Then I realized why. It can only happen un [...]

Two phases of floodwater

Postad måndagen den 30 september 2013 22:48

Marks of Noah's flood on the seafloor

Postad torsdagen den 5 september 2013 19:13
Running water leaves streamlined marks behind, right? and the ocean floor is full of lines, right? Let me give you a proposal regarding striations on the seafloor. What if the water run-off at the end of the global flood caused these marks on the ocean floor? Bless You!

Sweden towards northwest

Postad fredagen den 30 augusti 2013 21:33
Bless You!

Twitterdialog med ateisten

Postad torsdagen den 1 augusti 2013 11:13
[View the story "Sturmark om evolution" on Storify]

Global flood

Postad onsdagen den 24 juli 2013 15:32
long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been ma [...]

Huge flood in Europe

Postad måndagen den 22 juli 2013 18:00
During Noah's flood, when the water retreated from the continents, it initially flowed west over Europe. It left large scale patterns both on land and on the Atlantic ocean floor. God Bless You!

Curved megaflood in Egypt

Postad fredagen den 19 juli 2013 20:37
With a closer look on Egypt the most extraordinary pattern of water run-off emerges. Now do you believe in Noah's flood?Bless!

Huge flooding in Africa

Postad fredagen den 19 juli 2013 04:46
There are signs of huge flooding in Africa as I have shown earlier, that makes Sahara look like a dry river bed. As you can see above the landscape is stream lined in different directions. One could argue that some of these lines may be attributed to wind dunes or faults, but obviously not all of them.Bless you!

Huge flooding in USA

Postad onsdagen den 3 juli 2013 14:37
Was America totally flooded? New perspectives may point in that direction. Maybe the Bible can be read more literally than some suggest.God bless you!

From Caspian Sea towards Scandinavia

Postad tisdagen den 2 juli 2013 01:36
Mycket vatten var det som skulle rinna av kontinenten när syndafloden drog sig tillbaka. Låglandet kring Kaspiska havet är omgivet av bergskedjor, men det finns en öppning åt nordväst. Kan vattnet ha runnit undan åt det hållet? Har ett sådant vattenflöde lämnat några spår efter sig? Döm själva. Guds frid!

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