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The J.C. Ryle Archive : Discerning the True and the False Christian

Postad tisdagen den 8 augusti 2017 09:07
The J.C. Ryle Archive : Discerning the True and the False Christian: How should you know who are true Christians, if following Christ was the way to be free from trouble? How should we discern the wheat from...

Pakistan: Muslims chop off Christian’s arms after he refuses to convert to Islam

Postad söndagen den 17 juli 2016 20:18
Pakistan: Muslims chop off Christian’s arms after he refuses to convert to Islam


Postad torsdagen den 25 februari 2016 15:33
ATT VAKTA FÅREN: TAG ER I AKT FÖR VARGARNA I KYRKAN av David Wilkerson Då Paulus var på väg till Jerusalem i Apostlagärningarna kapitel 20, stannar han i Efesus. Där kallar han samman alla kyrkans ledare till ett särskilt möte. Allvarligt talade han till de troende från Efesus: "Och se, jag vet nu att ni inte mer kommer att se mitt [...]

The Two BabylonsAlexander Hislop Chapter IISection IISub-Section

Postad torsdagen den 25 februari 2016 15:27
The Two BabylonsAlexander Hislop Chapter IISection IISub-Section IIIThe Child in Greece Thus much for Egypt. Coming into Greece, not only do we find evidence there to the same effect, but increase of that evidence. The god worshipped as a child in the arms of the great Mother in Greece, under the names of Dionysus, or Bacchus, or Iacchus, is, by a [...]

Visst får Ulf Ekman äta upp sina egna ord liksom Stanley Sjöberg!

Postad onsdagen den 24 februari 2016 18:15
Påven slår in dörren bland de ljumma kristna i avfallet!  (Mixad, sammanblandad, utbytt, ersatt) Tillbedjan av de döda! Joh 10:12  Men den som är lejd och icke är herden själv, när han, den som fåren icke tillhöra, ser ulven komma, då övergiver han fåren och flyr, och ulven rövar bort dem och förskingrar dem. Joh 10:12  [...]

Ulf Ekman lämnar Livets ord och blir katolik, Ulf Ekman Converts to Roman Catholicism.

Postad måndagen den 10 mars 2014 13:03
Ulf Ekman blir katolik   Ulf Ekman Converts to Roman Catholicism   Megachurch leader Ulf Ekman of the Word of Life ministry in Sweden has announced that he and his wife Birgitta have converted to Roman Catholicism. The announcement, according to reports, has left some in his congregation "partially stunned.""We have seen a g [...]


Postad fredagen den 28 februari 2014 13:20
The further a society drifts from truth the more will it hate those that speak it!George Orwell WHATS WRONG WITH PROSPERITY ANYWAY? The message of the Bible stands in direct contrast to what these prosperity preachers are saying… The message of the Bible stands in direct contrast to what these prosperity preachers are saying… T [...]

Judgment, therefore, begins with the harlot, as in privileges the house of God. Part 2.

Postad söndagen den 16 februari 2014 23:22
The Two BabylonsAlexander Hislop Part 2 Chapter IISection IISub-Section IIIThe Child in Greece Thus much for Egypt. Coming into Greece, not only do we find evidence there to the same effect, but increase of that evidence. The god worshipped as a child in the arms of the great Mother in Greece, under the names of Dionysus, or Bacchus, or Iacch [...]

Judgment, therefore, begins with the harlot, as in privileges the house of God. Part 3.

Postad söndagen den 16 februari 2014 23:05
Part 3 The Two Babylons Alexander Hislop Chapter VSection VIThe Sign of the Cross There is yet one more symbol of the Romish worship to be noticed, and that is the sign of the cross. In the Papal system as is well known, the sign of the cross and the image of the cross are all in all. No prayer can be said, no worship engaged in, no step almost c [...]

Judgment, therefore, begins with the harlot, as in privileges the house of God. part 1

Postad torsdagen den 16 januari 2014 18:11
NYHETER Pingst gör studiebesök i Vatikanen Saxat ur tidningen Dagen. Dialogen mellan Pingst och Katolska kyrkan i Sverige går in i en ny fas. I maj görs ett gemensamt studiebesök i Vatikanen. Det har aldrig hänt tidigare. -En del kanske höjer på ögonbrynen, men i klassisk ekumenik är sådana resor en viktig del, säger Anders Arboreli [...]

Judgment, therefore, begins with the harlot, as in privileges the house of God. Part 2

Postad torsdagen den 16 januari 2014 18:02
The Two BabylonsAlexander Hislop Part 2 Chapter IISection IISub-Section IIIThe Child in Greece Thus much for Egypt. Coming into Greece, not only do we find evidence there to the same effect, but increase of that evidence. The god worshipped as a child in the arms of the great Mother in Greece, under the names of Dionysus, or Bacchus, or Iacch [...]

Men of destruction seek the priesthood.

Postad torsdagen den 16 januari 2014 16:51
Then shall the end come Old Testament (Hebrew) for "end" H314 'acharown last, after(ward)(s), latter, end, utmost, following, hinder, hindermost, hindmost, rereward, uttermost H319 'achariyth end, latter, last, posterity, reward, hindermost, misc. H656 'aphec fail, gone, end, brought to nought H1104 bala` swallow ..., destroy, devour, covered, [...]

David Yonggi Cho till Europakonferensen 2013

Postad måndagen den 26 november 2012 05:57
Den världskände pastorn David Yonggi Cho, som också har grundat världens största församling, kommer till Europakonferensen på Livets Ord i juli 2013. Pastor Yonggi Cho har i flera decennier varit en förgrundsgestalt och förebild för församlingar och pastorer ö [...]

A man greater than Jesus is on Earth, beware of the false gospel!

Postad fredagen den 3 augusti 2012 10:08
A man greater than Jesus is on Earth  1Co 8:5  For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) called G3004 legō A primary verb; properly to “lay” forth, that is, (figuratively) relate(in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 and G5346ge [...]

Frikyrkor i kris!

Postad lördagen den 14 april 2012 14:44
Frikyrkor i kris! Skiljelinjen (röset, skogsråt, skogsrået, gnomen levnadsregeln, tänkespråket, sentensen, häxan, sierskan, spåkvinnan, maran, haggan) inom frikyrkan!? se citat: "I både frikyrkor och Svenska kyrkan finns en kris som främst har att göra med den inre sekulariseringe [...]

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