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Jesus den första palestinska terroristen enligt palestinska myndigheten

Ett inlägg från bloggen: ISRAELNYHETER

Publicerad den 3 januari 2021 15:03. Läs inlägget på bloggen här.

Den palestinska myndighetens premiärminister påstår att Jesus var den första palestinska terroristen, förebilden för alla senare palestinska terrorister. Kyrkornas världsråd och andra kyrkliga organisationer brukar vara snabba att komma med fördömanden mot Israel, knappast kan vi vänta oss någon reaktion på de palestinska lögnerna.
Palestinian Media Watch:
PA PM insults Christianity by comparing Jesus to murderers and suicide bombers

PA PM insults Christianity by comparing Jesus to murderers and suicide bombers

Itamar Marcus | jan 3, 2021

In a speech at a Christmas dinner, the PA’s Prime Minister, Muhammad Shtayyeh, repeated the PA’s historically false narrative, turning Jesus into a “Palestinian.” He further insulted Christianity saying that Jesus was “the first Palestinian self-sacrificing fighter” and the one who taught Palestinians “Martyrdom-death”:

PA Prime Minister Shtayyeh: “Our lord Jesus, peace be upon him – the first Palestinian self-sacrificing fighter from whom we learned Martyrdom-death, and who paid for his mission with his life.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 28, 2020]

The Prime Minister’s categorizations of Jesus are insulting to Christians and Christian tradition in many ways:
1. PA PM Shtayyeh: “Jesus… the first Palestinian self-sacrificing fighter”
The PA uses the expression “self-sacrificing fighter,” (Fida’i) for terrorists who have been fighting and murdering Israelis since 1965, including the most loathsome murderers. For example, Palestinian terrorist Ashraf Na’alwa shot and murdered his 2 Israeli coworkers, Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel, a young mother of a one-year-old infant, and Ziv Hajbi, a young father of three. Fatah glorified the murderer repeatedly including this post on its official Facebook page, which called him: "The legend, the heroic self-sacrificing fighter (Fida’i) Ashraf Na'alwa" [Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]
Defining Jesus who preache ... Läs mer...

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