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President Herzog uppmanar de politiska ledarna att ta sitt ansvar

Ett inlägg från bloggen: ISRAELNYHETER

Publicerad den 24 januari 2023 16:04. Läs inlägget på bloggen här.

 Det politiska läget i Israel har länge varit väldigt splittrat men nu har tudelningen gått så  långt att president Herzog sett sig tvungen att uppmana de politiska ledarna att ta ansvar och sätta sig ner och diskutera med varandra. Annars hotas hela landet slitas i tu säger han.
Herzog warns Israel’s leaders: Clash over judicial overhaul ‘could consume us all’ (TOI)
President Isaac Herzog on Tuesday warned that Israel is on course to tear itself apart, amid the government’s planned radical shakeup of the judicial system and mounting public opposition, and urged the country’s leadership to avoid confrontation and instead engage in patient dialogue and constructive debate.
“The democratic foundations of Israel, including the justice system, and human rights and freedoms, are sacred, and we must protect them and the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence,” Herzog said, addressing the Ashmoret education conference in Tel Aviv. “The dramatic reform, when done quickly without negotiation, rouses opposition and deep concerns among the public,” he said.
“I see the sides prepared and ready all along the front for an all-out confrontation over the character of the State of Israel, and I am anxious we are on the brink of an internal struggle that could consume us all,” Herzog said.
Herzog issued a plea to Israel’s leaders to “show responsibility… take the time needed for this critical discussion,” and warned, “The absence of dialogue is tearing us apart from within, and I’m telling you loud and clear: This powder keg is about to explode. This is an emergency.”..."
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