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President Herzog försöker få parterna att lugna ner sig och diskutera läget

Ett inlägg från bloggen: ISRAELNYHETER

Publicerad den 13 februari 2023 18:06. Läs inlägget på bloggen här.

 Herzog: Judicial reform raises grave concern for future of Israeli democracy
The Israeli president presented a five-point plan to kickstart a process of dialogue between the nation's leaders on the controversial judicial reform.
The president then presented the plan's five points:

First, legislate a Basic Law: Legislation, that anchors the special status of Basic Laws and includes a special legislative process that includes wide agreement so that they will not be used for any purpose. The High Court then will not be able to hear cases on basic laws. Regarding regular laws, the court will have the power to cancel laws that contradict basic laws, but the Knesset will have the ability to override these in a mechanism to be negotiated between the sides.
Second, come up with a broad plan, already in the upcoming budget, to decrease the immense workload of the courts, which leads them to be ineffective and for cases to drag on for years.
Third, come up with a national plan to restore trust in the judicial system for those who lost it.
Fourth, change the Judicial Appointments Committee so that it will include representatives from all branches of government as well as public representatives that are agreed upon by both the justice minister and the High Court of Justice chief justice. This, without giving any one of the branches complete control or an automatic majority.
Fifth and finally, to define the Reasonableness Clause by negotiation such that it is not canceled completely but also restrains the courts from using it unnecessarily.

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