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Ett inlägg från bloggen: En rätt så katolsk blogg...

Publicerad den 12 november 2023 14:02. Läs inlägget på bloggen här.

A Christian is an

1 — empathetic person

2 — who experiences his (or her) oneness with everyone he (or she) meets,

3 — and a person of wisdom who experiences one-ness with the timeless cosmic reality in Jesus Christ, the universal Saviour.

Jesus admonishes us to find those experiences also, in order that we may become sons and daughters of God.

How may we do this?

We ourselves are responsible for the realization of the son- and daughtership of God. This is our universal endowment through the timeless, ongoing fulfillment of God’s promise to His creation. We must see, feel, and deeply understand the teaching of Jesus to carry out that responsibility. We must become deeply aware of the dynamic, transforming power of God’s promise, which assures universal salvation to all.

No matter who we are, young or old, male or female, rich or poor, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, we are all followers of Christ, because we all seek to experience what is true and real. We live to become sons and daughters of God the Father.

We wrongly assume we can achieve this without changing our present interests and habits, without opening ourselves to inner change. We should ask ourselves whether we want to settle for a human existence in which discrimination, bigotry and ignorance abound, where hate, racism, sexism and selfishness flourish, where we live as if we believe that we will never die.

Or, whether, instead, we would rather feel an all-embracing love and respect for all of our fellow beings including ourselves – “Love thy neighbour as yourself” – , where we live in a daily awareness of the transient nature of life, living fully each precious unrepeatable moment. We cannot possibly settle for a blind, hateful existence, for we would be surrendering the ideal of what we know we can become if we become manifestations of Christ.

When we are willing to remove all prejudice from our thinking, and when we are willing to see the truth, to ... Läs mer...

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