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Israel stänger ner Al-Jazeera

Ett inlägg från bloggen: ISRAELNYHETER

Publicerad den 5 maj 2024 21:09. Läs inlägget på bloggen här.

 Israel har beslutat att stänga ner Al-Jazeera i Israel. Ingen kan förneka att Al- Jazeera fungerar som Hamas propagandakanal så beslutet är inte oväntat.
The Foreign Press Association fördömer beslutet och kallar det en mörk dag för demokratin.
Som jämförelse är det bra att komma ihåg att EU stängde ner Russia Today och Sputnik efter att Ryssland anfallit Ukraina. Orsak var bland annat att de sprider rysk propaganda.
Jag vet inte om det också ansågs vara en mörk dag för demokratin och media men bra att komma ihåg att andra demokratier än Israel vidtagit liknande åtgärder.
Police seize Al Jazeera broadcast equipment as network pulled off air in Israel
The Foreign Press Association, which represents foreign media in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, also condemned the decision to shutter the Al Jazeera news network’s operations in Israel, saying that Israel had joined “a dubious club of authoritarian governments” in banning the station.
“We urge the government to reverse this harmful step and uphold its commitment to freedom of the press — including outlets whose coverage it may not like… This is a dark day for the media. This is a dark day for democracy.”

RT (TV network)
"...RT was banned in Ukraine in 2014 after Russia's annexation of Crimea;[76] Latvia and Lithuania implemented similar bans in 2020.[77][78] Germany banned RT DE in February 2022.[79] During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union and Canada formally banned RT and independent service providers in over 10 countries suspended broadcasts of RT.[80][81][82] Social media websites followed by blocking external links to RT's website and restricting access to RT's content.[83][84] Microsoft removed RT from their app store and de-ranked their search results on Bing,[85][86] while Apple removed the RT app from all countries except for Russia.[87]..."
Despite Western bans, Putin’s propaganda flourishes in Spanish on TV and social media
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