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Ledare i Jerusalem Post om UNIFIL och västvärldens reaktioner

Ett inlägg från bloggen: ISRAELNYHETER

Publicerad den 16 oktober 2024 17:05. Läs inlägget på bloggen här.

En läsvärd ledare i Jerusalem Post!
 UNIFIL’s inaction and the West's blind eye - editorial
Hezbollah has been hiding behind UNIFIL for far too long, but European leaders continue to blame Jerusalem.
...Given that UNIFIL has done little to prevent Hezbollah from bombarding Israel from southern Lebanon since October 8, and given that it did nothing to report Hezbollah’s massive buildup in the region over the years, the claim by the European foreign ministers that the organization is a force for stability, is utterly baseless.
Furthermore, the accusation that Israel is deliberately targeting UNIFIL personnel is ridiculous. Israel cannot tolerate a situation where Hezbollah terrorists believe they can fire near UNIFIL positions and be immune from an Israeli response.
UNIFIL, to ensure that its personnel are not harmed, should withdraw from southern Lebanon. And top-tier European foreign ministers, to retain credibility with Jerusalem, should direct their condemnations at Hezbollah for brazenly violating the UNSC Resolution 1701 and for putting UNIFIL at risk rather than accusing Israel of defending itself against terrorists.

...Hezbollah has built fortifications and has transferred weapons to southern Lebanon for years, but in a 2017 report to the UN Security Council, the Irish commander of UNIFIL at the time, Maj.-Gen. Michael Beary declared, “I have no evidence, nor have I been provided with any evidence of weapons transfers into my area of operations. We are extremely active in the area, and if there was a large cache of weapons, we would know about it.”
An incredulous Nikki Haley, then the US ambassador to the UN, said Hezbollah openly bragged about its stockpiled weapons; only the UNIFIL commander remained “blind” to this.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres supported Beary and said the UN could not confirm Israel’s account that Hezbollah was arming itself in southern Lebanon.
What a joke.
What does Guterres think – that the Hezbollah attac ... Läs mer...

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